Whether a person has an indecisive or decisive personality goes a lot deeper than how long they take to order lunch. At work, this trait plays out in how people make business decisions, the level of risk they’re comfortable with, and how they present to others.
We’re going to break down what an employee’s decisiveness (or lack thereof) might mean at work. But remember: this is just one piece of the personality puzzle, and our other personality trait descriptions can help you get a fuller picture.
Someone who is indecisive has trouble making decisions. People who are only somewhat indecisive may take their time with decisions and want to consider their options before moving ahead. Extremely indecisive employees may keep waffling on choices that have already been made — or even put off making decisions for so long that they run out of time.
Indecisive people often struggle to make choices, experiencing stress and uncertainty in the process.
Your indecisive employees can help your team slow down and consider all of the options before moving on — or they can add unnecessary stress. Knowing how to work with indecisive people can make a big difference.
Training that builds confidence will help indecisive employees become better at making decisions.
Reducing the fear of making mistakes and creating a decision-making routine can short-circuit anxiety and overthinking for an indecisive person.
You will want to encourage growth and maintain a helpful and non-judgemental tone when giving feedback to an indecisive person at work.
You can use AI tools to create a performance review tailored to an indecisive employee's mindset. AI can ensure the review maintains a constructive tone and that it is written to support an indecisive employee taking the feedback on board. You can then customize the results to the specific situation and employee.
Sample HR prompt for an indecisive personality:I would like to provide feedback to an employee during their performance review. This employee has indecisive personality traits and tends to slow down the team, leading to missed deadlines or inefficient management. They’re very capable in their role as a marketing assistant, but I’d like to see them grow their soft skills more by being more decisive. Can you share 3-4 sentences about this for their review?
Sample AI-generated response:“Your thoroughness and attention to detail are valuable strengths in your role as a marketing assistant, and they contribute to the quality of your work. However, indecision has occasionally slowed the team down, leading to missed deadlines and impacting our overall efficiency. I encourage you to work on making decisions more confidently and quickly, trusting your instincts and experience. Developing this skill will help you become even more effective in your role and enhance the team's productivity.”
Sample HR prompts for direct supervisors to help coach an employee who tends to be an indecisive person on how to show more decisiveness at work:
Jobs that don’t create pressure to make frequent or high-stakes decisions are ideal for people with indecisive personality traits. Roles that require analysis and attention to detail can be a good fit.
On the opposite side of being indecisive, you’ll have people who showcase a decisive personality trait.
Decisive people are confident decision-makers. They tend to make up their minds more quickly and stick with their chosen course of action.
Here are a few signs that you’re working with someone who is decisive:
Decisive people bring confidence and efficiency that can benefit the whole team. Being aware of their decisive personality traits can help you leverage it for success, as well as watching out for a few potential pitfalls.
Striking the balance between being decisive and becoming impulsive is the goal of effective training for the decisive personality type.
People who are decisive like to take charge and get results.
It is important to respect the strengths of people with decisive personality traits. With the right feedback, they can become good leaders and collaborate well on teams.
AI tools can create a performance review structure that recognizes a decisive employee's strengths while providing constructive feedback, helping them channel their decisiveness in productive ways.
Sample HR prompt for a decisive personality:I would like to provide feedback to an employee during their performance review. This decisive employee tends to move quickly, leading to quality concerns. They’re very capable in their role as a manager, but I’d like to see them grow their soft skills more by doing more research and making more informed decisions. Can you share 3-4 sentences about this for their review?
Sample AI-generated response:“You bring a strong sense of initiative and decisiveness to your role as a manager, which helps the team stay proactive and dynamic. However, moving too quickly has occasionally led to quality issues, which could be improved with a bit more research and consideration in your decision-making. I encourage you to take a moment to gather relevant information and evaluate potential outcomes before acting. This balanced approach will help ensure that your decisions are both timely and thoroughly informed, strengthening your overall impact as a leader.”
Sample HR prompts for direct supervisors to help coach an employee with a decisive personality on how to show more consideration in decision-making at work:
Jobs that require you to think on your feet and take action when under pressure are roles in which decisive people excel.
While decisiveness is usually perceived as a virtue (and indecision as a vice), it’s important to remember that these traits exist on a spectrum. Extreme indecisive personalities and extreme decisive personalities can both present challenges. Some roles do require more decisiveness. In others, indecision won’t present a problem, especially if the employee takes steps to manage it.
Remember: decisiveness (or indecisiveness) as a personality trait doesn’t necessarily correlate with good business judgment. Be sure to consider your employee or applicant’s track record independently of this trait.
And finally, be sure to view decisive vs. indecisive traits in the context of where an employee or applicant falls on the 4 personality types, as well as other major traits that are relevant to the role.
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